Jörg Scheffler Consulting
Consulting services for enterprises
Searching for personnel
Finding the most suitable specialists and managers is crucial for my work.
In doing so, I rely on my proven 5-stage concept.
Competency and requirement profiles are created that precisely meet your needs. The basic requirements of the position to be filled are analysed during an in-depth discussion. The key question is which professional and personal traits the perfect candidate must have in order to succeed in the new position.
Thanks to my industry expertise and many years of experience, I am well acquainted with numerous specialists and managers in the dental industry. This pool of candidates is complemented by systematic research for each search project. Defining suitable target companies is easy for me due to my industry expertise. Feedback follows promptly and comprehensively.
Communication with the candidates is on an equal footing. How the candidates are approached is crucial for success or failure. The special opportunities and challenges of the task must be described convincingly and your corporate culture conveyed clearly. In times of shortage of specialists and managers, it is important to put yourself in the motivational position of the sought-after candidate, to answer critical questions credibly and thus also get those interested in the position who are hardly willing to switch.
My professional background and practical experience help in approaching and accepting the candidates. This significantly increases the chances of attracting the best employees.
My strategy is based on long-term, partnership-based relationships with candidates.
As far as possible, the interviews with the candidates in the final selection will take place in person.
Professional competencies and formal qualifications are only part of the prognosis for success. Training or previous career steps are not the only priority. The decisive question is whether the past successes can be continued into the future in the new environment. The candidate’s strengths and behaviour are identified and compared with the goals and challenges of the position. An important point is to determine whether their personality fits into the specific corporate culture. At your request, a PI (Predictive Index) potential analysis can be carried out with a specially trained PI analyst, with voluntary participation of the candidate. This procedure is used to record the basic drives and needs of a person, which in turn significantly influence the person’s behaviour.
It is crucial to lead the negotiations with the best candidates to success. At the critical stage of contractual negotiations, the consultant plays an important role. As part of networking and searching, a relationship of trust was established. I therefore know the expectations and attitudes of the desired candidate and can assess the personal consequences of changing jobs. Empathy and sensitivity help remove obstacles that stand in the way of concluding a contract.
Personnel consulting
The topic of personnel is the critical success factor in companies in times of the “war for talents”. Employee retention and employee satisfaction are essential. The performance of satisfied employees is higher than that of dissatisfied ones. Appreciation, room to show initiative, promotion of talents and performance-based pay are some ways to increase employee retention.
Elements of my consulting services are:
- Employee retention
- Coaching specialists and executives
- Personnel management
- Personnel development
- Remuneration
- Competency models
- Team building